Разработки уроков

Тема уроку:  Visit to the Doctor. (7 класс)
Мета уроку:  to activate some words and word-combinations in speaking;
                       to present and practice some new expressions;
                       to develop students` creative abilities;
                       to develop students` speaking, reading, listening and speaking skills;
                       to teach students to use new technologies by learning English;
                       to focus on advanced learning English;
                       to practice students in group activities.
                Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, компютери, картки з завданнями, рекламні оголошення, тексти для читання, зошити, підручник.
                                                         Хід уроку:
I.                  Початок  уроку.
                 1. Організація класу до уроку та привітання.
                         Good morning, children!  Are you fine today? I`m glad to see you.
                 2. Мовленнєва розминка.
Now, let`s play a little. I am Bill and you are doctors. Now let`s read this little   jock. Then we change our roles.
Doctor: Are you ill, my little boy? Let me see you tongue.
Bill: Don`t look at my tongue, doctor. No tongue can tell how ill I am.
Now, children, I am a doctor and you play a role of Bill. Let`s read once more.
Well done, thank you.
 3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
How do you think, you have done your hometask well? Now we`ll check it up together. We should learn some words and word-combinations. Now have to do some tests on your computers. Let`s do it. (Учні виконують тести, результати отримують одразу після виконання завдання, які перевіряються машиною, результат тесту на 118 рядку. Додаток 1).

1.          A doctor, who helps people in state of emergency and gives first   aid.
a)      a surgeon;
b) a psychiatrist;
                         c) an emergency medical technician.
          2.  A doctor trained in the treatment of mental illness.
a)  a psychiatrist;
b)  a nurse;
c)  an anaesthetist.
3.  An eye specialist.
a) a paediatrician;
b) an ophthalmologist;
c) an x-ray technician.
4. A doctor, who does operations in a hospital.
a) a nurse;
b) a surgeon;
c) an ophthalmologist.
5. Someone, whose job is to look after people, who are ill or injured, usually          in a hospital.
a) a nurse;
b) an emergency medical technician;
b) a surgeon.
6. A specialist, who works on an x-ray machine and examines the patients` bones and organs inside the body.
a) an x-ray technician;
b) a psychiatrist;
c) a paediatrician.
7.  A doctor or nurse, who has been specially trained to give people anaesthetics.
a) an x-ray technician;
b) an anaesthetist;
c) a nurse.
 8. A doctor, who deals with children and their illnesses.
a) a paediatrician;
b) an anaesthetist;
c) a psychiatrist.
                               So, you have good results, your hometask has been done very well.                  

                    II. Основна частина уроку.
                   1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Today we continue to speak about illnesses and their treatment. I want you be always healthy, but today we`ll speak about visits to some doctors. We`ll try to guess which doctor should we visit, when something is wrong with us. We`ll read a text about something, you don`t like, but it`s very important for your health. Be very attentively, I hope our work will be very interesting.
For our work we need to make up 4 groups. So, do it. If you were doctors, what job would you choose? Take some cards. (метод «мозаїка», важливо обирати саме цей метод розподілення на групи тому, що групи будуть змінюватись в процесі роботи над текстом, на картках чотирьох кольорів написані назви фахових лікарів. В результаті розподілу на групи ми отримуємо 4 групи по 4 учня в кожній групі. Якщо учнів більше в класі, то відповідно збільшується кількість кольорових карток з відповідними назвами лікарів. Спочатку утворюються групи за назвою фаху, а за перегрупування змінюються за кольором картки. Можливі інші варіанти, але необхідно дотримуватися принципу мозаїки.)
So, we have 4 groups, now, let`s start our work.
2. Введення іншомовну ситуацію.
1) ознайомлення з невідомими лексичними одиницями (вчитель завчасно записує їх на дошці)
To have a bad cold;
To have a terrible headache;
To have a pain in the knee;
To be very irritated;
To hurt;
To have weak eyes;
A fiver;
To chew.
           2) аудіювання
                      So, pupils, now we work in groups.
                      You listen to some short stories, then you`ll try to guess,
                      what medical centre you should visit,
                      if you have such problems  with your health.
                      Look at the screen, the pictures help you
                      to understand the stories better. You get the list of
                      medical centres, you have to choose.
                        1. You have a bad pain in your knee.
                           It hurts you, you can`t even go. You
                           have greased it, but it doesn`t help.
                           No painkiller can help to stop this
                           terrible pain.
                      2. You are very irritated. Everything upsets you.
                           You sleep very badly. Nothing can make you happy.
                           You are very angry with everybody.
                      3. You have worked on the computer for a long time.
                           Your eyes are tired and weak. You have dropped them with
                           some eyedrops, but it doesn`t help now.
                      4. You have got very wet, now you have sneezing,
                           your temperature is high, you have a fiver.
                           You have a bad cough, a terrible headache
                           and a sore throаt.
                        5. I have some problems with my stomach. It hurts
                            me after meals. It seems to be a balloon in the
                            evening. I cannot eat everything I want.
                        6. My bad tooth hurts me very much. I can`t sleep
                             at all. I have to eat only mashed potatoes, because
                            I can`t bite and chew. No painkiller helps me.
        Now, please do the task in groups. Choose the right medical centre.
  3) Перевірка розуміння змісту текста.
       (учні отримують картки з рекламними оголошеннями
        медичних закладів, які вони повинні обрати для кожного
        хворого, завдання виконується в командах)
                       a)                    French Dental Centre
                           Best dental services and laboratory, co-financed
                           by French government in the field of technologies.
                                          Metro Shulyavska, Lepse 4,
                                          tel. 564-7685
                       b)                    AMC
                             The best American healthcare provider
                             in Ukraine. Psychiatry and Psychology.
                             Only we can help you.
                                               1 Berdichevska vul.,
                                                tel. 653-8764
                        c)                  Medical Centre « Health Life»
                              We offer you the best treatment for some
                              diseases and illnesses. Our best therapeutists
                               give you good recommendations and prescriptions.
                               If you follow them, you`ll recover very fast.
                                                 34 Naberezhnaya Lenina,
                                                  tel. 76-7865
                          d)                     X-Ray Centre
                               Only we can make the best x-ray examination
                               with best modern x-ray machines.
                               Our experienced doctors can describe your
                               x-ray picture very fast and skillful.
                                               3 Shevchenka vul.,
                                               tel. 67-8975
                          e)                    Central State of Emergency
                              If you want to get the first aid very quickly,
                              come to us. We can help you at once. Our
                              specialists are very skillful.
                                                   67 Zhylianska vul.,
                                                   tel. 98-5431
                          f)                 Ophtalmological Centre « My Eyes»
                              Reasonably clean and modern ophtalmological centre
                               offers you best ophtalmological services. Reasonably
                               prices can surprise you. We are waiting for you.
                                                    87 Radyanska vul.,
                       4) Перевірка виконання завдання.
                        So, pupils, change your sheets of papers and let`s check them up.
                      Now, each team should choose a centre for one patient.
                     Look at the blackboard and use these expressions:
                    To our mind……
                    We think, he should……
                    He would  better……..
                    We advise him to……
                    So, the best team is… .
                         Лексико-граматичний практикум.
                        1) Підготовка до читання . Ознайомлення з новою лексикою.
                                               At first, we learn some new words. Look at the
                                       blackboard, please. Read these words.
                            to fill the tooth – запломбувати зуб;
                            to have enough courage – мати достатньо сміливості;
as a matter of fact – фактично;
to seem – здаватись;
the waiting-ring – приймальня;
exciting – захопливий;
surgery – хірургічний кабінет;
to have a look at – глянути;
a handle – ручка;
to pok – штрикати;
to save – зберегти;
a syringe – шприц;
liquid – рідина;
a prick – торкатися;
a gum – ясна;
to pull – тягнути;
nasty – вередливий;
to worry – турбувати;
to ache – страждати від болю (в тексті);
to be going toмати вибір.
2) Підготовка до читання. Опрацювання заголовку (метод «мозковий
                   Now, children, read the title of the text on the blackboard.
                   You should try to guess, what this text is about. There are
                   some pictures there, they`ll help you to do this task
                   So, what do you think about the main idea of this text?
3) Читання тексту у створених групах 
         a) розподілення матеріалу:
                  At the beginning of our work we have made up 4 groups.
                   Now each of  these groups gets its own part of the text and
                   read it. Then we change the pupils in the groups,
                  make up this text of  the chapters and try to
                   retell all the text together in each group.
                   Take the chapters, please and read them.
                                          A Nasty Tooth
       I had bad toothache for several days, but just hadn't enough courage to go to the dentist. As a matter of  fact I went twice but just as I got on his door-step and was going to ring the bell, the toothache seemed to have gone  away, so I  went home again. But at last I had to go back and this time I rang the bell and was shown into the waiting-room. There were many magazines there  and  I  had just  got  into  the  middle  of  an exciting story when the nurse came to say Mr. Puller was ready to see me. I'll have to wait for the next toothache to finish that story!
          Well I went into the surgery and he told me to sit in a chair that he could move up  and down, backwards and forwards and then he had a book at the inside of my mouth. He put a little mirror on a long handle inside my mouth and poked about for a while then he looked serious and said: “Yes, I'm afraid, we can't save that one, it will have to come out. It will not be necessary to give you gas for that. I'll just give you an injection”.
             So he filled a syringe with a liquid. I felt a little prick on the gum. And that was all. He did this in two or three places and waited for a minute or so. My mouth felt rather dead, but otherwise it was all right. Then he took an instrument, got hold of my tooth, gave a twist, I could see and hear, what he did, but I couldn't feel anything, then a quick pull and the tooth was out, and he was saying: “Yes, it's all over. Spit  in there and then wash your mouth out with this”. He handed me a glass.
              “There's the tooth, a very nasty one,” said he. He was just going to throw it away, but I said: “You can certainly have it if you want it”, he said.  “Well”, I replied, “It has worried me a good  deal for    the last week, and so now I am going to put it on my dressing-table and watch it ache”.

b) перегрупування та переказ частин тексту в інших за складом           групах:
                        Now, take the seats according to the colour of your cards.
                        Well, so you should retell your part of the text to your group.
                        Be very attentively.
           4) Перевірка розуміння змісту текста.
            а) усне завдання
                        Now you have to use your computers to do the next task.
                        You should mark the sentences True or Fals. Take the cards
 with the task.

a) I your teeth aren’t white, try to use another tooth paste.
b) There is one best remedy for tooth-ache to pull it out.
c) When the patient comes into the surgery a look of pain crosses his face.
d) If you are afraid of the dentist, he can turn you out of doors.
e) The dentist is pleasant to look at.
f) People use to go to the dentists every month.
Now, change the cards and check them up together.
(для зручності на кожній картці, якими обмінюються групи, є кольорова мітка, щоб швидко отримувати результати груп)   
The best team is…. .   
            b) письмове завдання
                        The next task is to write down the sentences in Past Simple and
                        Past Cont. and make them Present Simple and Cont. Do this task
                        in groups, please.
                        So, check up your sentences.
                        The best team is…. .
            c)        узагальнення
So, tell me, please, were we right with the title at the beginning
                        of our work on the text?
            5) Мовленнєвий практикум.
            aвибір ситуації для обговорення:
So, now we have some situations to discuss. Choose one situation for your team.
a.     My friend is afraid of the dentists, he asks me to go with.
b.     All of my teeth seem to hurt me.
c.      I sit in the dentist-chair my mouth open and suddenly remember, I have forgotten to switch off my iron.
d.     I have “sweet teeth”.
b) обговорення та висловлення загальної думки команди:
Now, look at the blackboard, there are some phrases to use in your speech.
1.     You ought (not) to ….
2.     You could always try …
3.     Have you…?
4.     I would advise you to …
5.     Why don’t you try …?
6.     My advice would be to …
7.     If I were you, I would recommend you …
c) узагальнення:
And the last task for today. You have to answer the question: Why did the doctor ask this question?
Read some more little text and try to answer my question. Work in groups, please.

      The dentist got the man in the chair and started drilling away at the tooth; it was one right at the back of his mouth. He went on and on for what seemed like hours. Then he stopped for a minute or    two and said: “Haven’t you had this tooth filled before?”
So, your answers are different. It`s very good. Did your dentists ask you such questions?
III. За                         Заключна частина уроку.
                                  1) Підведення підсумків уроку та оцінювання.
                              Your work was good  today. So you have very good marks. But the best team was……. today. Thank you for your good work. Did you like our lesson?
                                 2) Пояснення домашнього завдання.
                              At home you have to do a project work. You have to make a situation like the last one, you have read and discussed at our lesson, make up such a question like one in the text. You are allowed to drow some pictures for your text. This work should be done in groups.
                              So, our lesson is over, thank you for the interesting lesson. Good bye!

Тема уроку: Стежками Великобританії.    (5 клас)
Практична мета: продовжувати формувати в учнів комунікативні навички, повторити й активізувати ЛО теми.
Освітня мета: навчити учнів вільно оперувати ЛО даної теми.
Розвиваюча мета: розвивати пам'ять, увагу учнів, розвивати мовну реакцію, уяву учнів, комунікативні вміння учнів.
Виховна мета: виховувати в учнів інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: тематичні малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, наклейки з завданнями, аудіозаписи.

Хід уроку-вікторини.
I.Організація класу. Привітання. Оголошення теми уроку-вікторини.
Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
T: Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to greet you at our quiz-lesson. You`ll  divide into two teams and will perform different interesting tasks on topic “Great Britain”
II. Основна частина  уроку-вікторини.
1. Holidays. Guess the holiday.
Teacher: This holiday is celebrated on the 17-th of April. People wear green and shamrock flowers. -St Patrick’s day
This holiday is on the 2-nd Sunday in May, people give their mothers presents and help them harder than ever. -Mother’s Day
This holiday is on the 5-th of November. People make a doll, fill it with straw and burn it. There are lots of fireworks as well. Bonfire Night\ Guy Fawkes night.
This holiday is at the end of March. People go to church and take part in Egg Hunt. Easter.
2. National anthem.                                                                                                                  
T:Listen to 2 national anthems and decide which is the anthem of Great Britain “God Save the Queen”.
4. Odd one out.                                                                                                                                          
T:Look at the other symbols and say which aren’t British symbols.
5. London. Guess London sights.
T:You see some very familiar sights what are their names?
6. What would you do if you were British? Students circle the answer they think is best.
Weather. If smb started discussing weather with you, you would …. .
a) change the weather topic
b) speak about weather non-stop
c) turn round and go away
Tea. If you drank smth at 5 o’clock, it’d be . . .
a) beer and butter
b) tea and soda
c) tea and milk
Food. If you had lunch, you’d have….
a) fish’n’chips
b) a hamburger
c) pasta
Manners. If your steak at the restaurant were as hard as boots, you’d…
throw it at the waiter
say: “Well, it’s not too bad. ”
throw it under the table and leave
Pets. If you had a pet, you’d….
a) build monuments to your pet after its death
b) never allow it to lie on your bed
c) feed it very rarely
Privacy. If you met a person in the street, you’d….
come up to him and hug him
never come too close
kiss him on the cheek
Sports. If you were a Brit, you’d…
a) go skiing
b) go bunjee jumping
c) go fox hunting
7. Fill the table
T:Every country has its own sights of view. People are proud of them, because such things are a part of history and culture of the country. Fill the table and compare what is alike in Ukraine  and Great Britain sights.
Great Britain
The Trafalgar square                                                

8.Choose the correct variant.
1).St. Paul ‘s Cathedral is
  1. a church
  2. a fortress
  3. a museum
2).The queen lives in
  1. Buckingham Palace
  2. The Tower of London
  3. Westminster Abby
3).London is situated on the river
  1. Volga
  2. Thames
  3. Seven

 4).Big Ben is
  1. bell
  2. the clock
  3. a tower
 5).London is the capital of
  1. Scotland
  2. Great Britain
  3. America
9.Say what you can about
  1. Westminster
  2. The Tower of London
  3. Big Ben
10. Match sentences to get the text about  Great Britain.(текст розрізан на невеликі частинки, які учні мають поєднати за смислом)
Great Britain.
The official name of the country is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. The country is situated in the north-west of Europe and consists of two large islands,  Great Britain and the Isle of Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area over 244.000 square kilometres. There are four regions in the UK: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The country is washed by the North Sea in the north, the Irish Sea in the west  and the English Chanel in the south. The English channel separates Great Britain from France.
III. Підведення підсумків вікторини.
Підраховується кількість  орденів та проголошується  переможець.



MATERIALS: texts for reading

1 Greeting. A conversation with a pupil on duty.
2 Control of the homework. The students read their compositions “THE MASS MEDIA AND ME’.
3 Pre – reading task
Discuss the following questions with other students:
- What exactly is the internet?
- What kind of information can you find?
- How do you access it?
4 Read the text. At the end of every paragraph say if you already know the information or  it is new to you. Add any information you have.

      The internet is a source of information that is accessible through a computer. It consists of millions of pages of data about every possible subject. Million people surf the internet every day. The internet is already the biggest source of information on the planet. It will soon be the main source of material for students and teachers of many different subjects.
      To access the internet, you need a service provider, a company which can bring the internet to your computer screen. Then you can access the information via your telephone line. But how you find specific information that you need?
       If you have the website address of a company or service that you want, you simply type it and you arrive automatically at the page you want.
       If you haven’t got a particular website address, there are several directories or search engines which can help you, such as Alta Vista, Yahoo! Or Infoseek There are then two ways to find information - directories and key-word searches. Directories arrange contents by subject, like the Yellow Pages of a telephone directory. Most search engines have their own subject headings. Read them and decide where you want to go for information.
       Or you can do a key-word search. For example, if you want to find out about studying English in England, type in the key-words –“Studying English in England”. The screen will then show you the website pages where you can find the information you need.

5 Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? Are they the same in our language?
E-mail, access, download (information), modem,World Wide Web, web browser, hypertext.
6  Make a list of computer words that you know in your own language but don’t know in English. Work with other students. Look them up in a dictionary. How many of them are the same or similar in English?

7 Read this information about the history of the internet and answer the questions.

     In 1969, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency needed a system for computers to ‘talk’ to each other via the telephone. They created a network of computers called DARPANET. Scientists and researchers soon began to communicate with each other in the same way.
 In 1984, the US National Science Foundation started the NSFNET network, a system of five supercomputer centres. Universities entered the network by accessing one of the centres.    More and more people and agencies wanted to join the network. NSFNET became known as the Inter-Net-Network. People started calling it the internet.
Today, there are millions of computers all over the world which are connected to the internet.  The World Wide Web (also called WWW or the Web) is the most popular area of the internet. The Web is a huge collection of documents from all over the world. It contains a mixture of text, images and sounds and is very user-friendly.

1 In what country did the internet start?
2 What was the original purpose?
3 What does NSF stand for?
4 Is the internet only for universities?
5 Can you only read things on the internet?
6 Is there a computer at your lyceum with e-mail and access to the internet?
7 Is there time in the lyceum day to use the computer ?
8 Would you like to make contact with a school in another country? Which country?

Тема: “Environment Protection” (9 класс)

Воспитательные задачи:
1.      расширить кругозор учащихся;
2.      научить учащихся взаимодействовать друг с другом;
3.      научить учащихся уважать мнение других.
1.      сформировать умения чтения;
2.      сформировать лексические навыки.
Сопутствующие задачи:
1.      совершенствовать произносительные навыки;
2.      совершенствовать умения монологического высказывания.
Речевой материал: текст «Recycling», лексические единицы: recycling, waste, success, material, headlights, rug, effort, to reduce, to recycle, to create, to treat, to refuse, to reuse, to mine, to sterilize, to refilled, recycled, recyclable, aluminium, to be good for; to throw away; to find out; recycling paper; to turn into; instead of; to be made of; scrap metal; to pave streets.

Оснащение: текст, раздаточный материал, знак «Переработка отходов».
Appendix 2
The matching task

Ex.1. Match the words with their definitions.

To recycle

To reduce


To treat

To refuse

To reuse


To mine

To threw away

 to dig into (the earth) for minerals

to pass (a substance) through a system again for further treatment or use

to reject

garbage, rubbish, or trash

to deal with or regard in a certain manner

to make or become smaller in size, number, etc.

a determined attempt

to decline to accept

to use again

waste material or used articles, especially metal

Reading task
You are going to read the text about recycling. Your task is to choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A. Straw vs. paper
B. Recycled plastic
C. Reusing glass
D. Recycling metal
F. The process of recycling
G. Recycling tin cans
H. The importance of recycling
I. Recycling paper

Key: 1. F; 2. I; 3. A; 4. B; 5. D; 6. C; 7. H.


(1) Recycling is a very important subject, and one that is becoming more so all the time. As we all know, it reduces waste and is good for the environment. But what do recycling centres do with the things we throw away? I found out some very interesting information.
(2) Recycling paper has been the biggest success. In 1990, in the USA, more than 20 million tons of paper were recycled and turned into birthday cards, cereal boxes, and hundreds of other things. Paper is the easiest material to recycle and, as David Dougherty of Clean Washington said, "You can use it six times over, then burn what's left to create energy."
(3) Wisconsin cow farmer George Plenty had the most interesting use for recycled paper: he uses it instead of straw in his barn. "It's cheaper than straw," he said, "but even if the price were the same, I wouldn't go back."
(4) Plastic is the hardest material to recycle, because there are so many different kinds, all of which need to be treated differently. At the moment, only two per cent of the plastic used in the US is recycled. But is does have its uses: one company uses plastic from recycled car headlights to make windows. In some ways they are better than normal windows, because they are much harder to break. Another company, Image Carpets, uses plastic to make carpets and rugs. A comment made by the manager showed us how attitudes towards recycling have changed. "We worried that people might refuse to buy the carpets if they knew they were recycled," said sales Manager, John Richmeier. "Now we advertise the fact as a marketing strategy."
(5) Metal is another important material. It is easier to recycle an aluminium can than to make a new one. It is also 20 per cent cheaper, and uses only 5 per cent of the energy that making a new can would use. So many of the things we use are made of metal, and can all be reused after they stop working. Recycling car parts, for example, is a big business. There is also very little waste involved in recycling metal. Steel is 100 per cent recyclable, and can be recycled hundreds of times. Recycling steel is cheaper than mining it. A lot of America's scrap metal is taken by the Japanese, recycled, and eventually sold back to America as new cars.
(6) 20 per cent of America's glass is recycled, and used for a number of things. For example, it can be mixed with asphalt or cement and used to pave streets. It can also be melted down and used to make new bottles. However, unlike the other materials, glass can also be reused commercially in its original form; many types of bottles are returned to bottling plants, sterilized and refilled. Recycling and reusing glass is actually a huge worldwide business, with bottle banks appearing everywhere.
(7) So remember, think before you throw things away — they may still be useful. If we all make an effort to recycle, we can make the planet a cleaner place to live.
Answer the following questions using the text.
1.      What is the problem described here?
2.      What is recycling?
3.      Why do American farmers prefer using paper to straw?
4.      What things can be made through the process of recycling?
5.      Why is recycling so important nowadays?

The questions invite some measure of interpretation and application of the reader’s background knowledge. They demand real comprehension, and encourage an interactive, personal “engaging” with the text as well as being more interesting to do. Interpretive questions often have more than one possible answer and can be used for discussion.

Mark the following sentences as “true” (T) or “false” (F).
1.      Recycling reduces waste and is bad for the environment. (F)
2.      Recycled paper turns into birthday cards. (T)
3.      From recycled car parts windows are made. (F)
4.      Recycling steel is cheaper than mining of metal. (T)
5.      We can make the planet cleaner place to live, if we all make an effort to recycle. (T)

This exercise checks students’ understanding of the whole text.

Ex. 3
Match the beginning and the ending of the sentences.
1.      Recycling is a very important subject…
2.      More than 20 million tons of paper were recycled…
3.      Plastic is the hardest material to recycle…
4.      So many of the things we use are made of metal…
5.      Steel is 100 per cent recyclable...
6.      Glass can also be melted down ...
a.       and can all be reused after they stop working.
b.      because there are so many different kinds, all of which need to be treated differently.
c.       and can be recycled hundreds of times.
d.      and used to make new bottles.
e.       and one that is becoming more so all the time.
f.       and turned into birthday cards, cereal boxes, and hundreds of other things.

Key: 1. E, 2. F, 3. B, 4. A, 5. C, 6. D.

Ex. 4

Find in the text sentences which:
a)      enumerate the things done from paper, metal, plastic and glass;
b)       explain the popularity of recycling nowadays.

Appendix 5
Topical vocabulary list

Group 1. Single words.
To reduce
To recycle
To create
To treat
To refuse
To reuse
To mine
To sterilize
To refilled

Group 2. Collocations.
To be good for; to throw away; to find out; recycling paper; to turn into; instead of; to be made of; scrap metal; to pave streets.

Appendix 6
Vocabulary exercises

Find the odd word out.
1.      dustbin – cupboard – waste-paper basket – ashtray
2.      tin – can – metal – plastic
3.      waste – litter – glass – rubbish
4.      response – reply – answer – question
5.      reduce – involve – deflate – decrease

Key: cupboard, plastic, glass, question, involve.

The exercise helps students to establish similarities and differences in the meaning of the words.
Ex. 2
Fill in the appropriate word from the list. Use the word(s) only once.

To be good
To create
To throw
1.To be made
    2.to find out
To pave

1.      …paper
2.      …metal
3.      …some information
4.      …energy

Key: recycling paper; scrap metal; to find out some information; to create energy; to throw things away; to be good for environment; to be made of glass; to pave streets.

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word(s) from the list below:

Environmentally aware
Disposing of
Bottle banks

5.      …things away
6.      …for environment
7.      …of glass



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